mode | string | (optional) If set to async , it prevents showing the "no options" message during typing / filtering. Defaults to sync . |
input_value | string | (optional) Lets you define a custom input value. |
placeholder | string | (optional) Use this to define the pre-filled placeholder text in the input. Defaults to title="Skriv og velg" . |
title | React.Node | (optional) Give a title to let the user know what they have to do. Defaults to Skriv og få alternativer . |
disable_filter | boolean | (optional) If set to true , word highlighting will still be active, but no options will be filtered out. Defaults to false . |
disable_highlighting | boolean | (optional) If set to true , word highlighting will be disabled, but the options will still get filtered. Defaults to false . |
disable_reorder | boolean | (optional) If set to true , reordering of search results will be disabled. Defaults to false . |
search_numbers | boolean | (optional) If set to true and search_in_word_index is not set, the user will be able to more easily search and filter e.g. bank account numbers. Defaults to false . |
search_in_word_index | boolean | (optional) This gives you the possibility to change the threshold number, which defines from what word on we search "inside words". Defaults to 3 . |
keep_value | boolean | (optional) Use true to not remove the typed value on input blur, if it is invalid. By default, the typed value will disappear / replaced by a selected value from the data list during the input field blur. Defaults to false . |
keep_selection | boolean | (optional) Use true to not remove selected item on input blur, when the input value is empty. Defaults to false . |
keep_value_and_selection | boolean | (optional) Like keep_value – but would not reset to the selected value during input field blur. Also, the selected value would still be kept. Defaults to false . |
prevent_selection | boolean | (optional) If set to true , no permanent selection will be made. Also, the typed value will not disappear on input blur (like keep_value ). Defaults to false . |
show_clear_button | boolean | (optional) If set to true , a clear button is shown inside the input field. Defaults to false . |
icon | string React.Node | (optional) To be included in the autocomplete input. |
icon_size | string | (optional) Change the size of the icon pragmatically. |
icon_position | string | (optional) Position of the icon inside the autocomplete. Set to left or right . Defaults to left . |
input_icon | string React.Node | (optional) Same as icon . |
triangle_position | string | (optional) Position of icon arrow / triangle the drawer. Set to left or right . Defaults to left . |
size | string | (optional) Define the height of the Autocomplete. Can be set to small , default , medium and large . Defaults to default . |
drawer_class | string | (optional) Define a custom class for the internal drawer-list. This makes it possible more easily customize the drawer-list style with styled-components and the css style method. Defaults to null . |
show_submit_button | boolean | (optional) Use true to show a Autocomplete button to toggle the DrawerList. Defaults to false . |
align_autocomplete | string | (optional) Use right to change the options alignment direction. Defaults to left . |
no_options | boolean | (optional) Text show in the "no options" item. Defaults to Ingen alternativer . |
aria_live_options | React.Node | (optional) Text read out by screen readers. This way users with screen readers know how many options they got during typing. Defaults to %s alternativer . |
show_all | boolean | (optional) Text that lets a user unravel all the available options. Defaults to Vis alt . |
indicator_label | React.Node | (optional) Text show on indicator "options" item. Defaults to Henter data ... . |
show_options_sr | string | (optional) Only for screen readers. Title of the button to show the suggestions / options. It is always present and when activating, it opens the DrawerList and sets the focus on it. Defaults to Bla gjennom alternativer . |
selected_sr | string | (optional) Only for screen readers (VoiceOver). The label used to announce the selected item. Defaults to Valgt: . |
submit_button_title | React.Node | (optional) Title on submit button. Defaults to Vis alternativer . |
submit_button_icon | string React.Element | (optional) The icon used in the submit button. Defaults to chevron_down . |
submit_element | React.Node | (optional) Replace the dropdown / submit button with a custom React element. Defaults to the input SubmitButton import { SubmitButton } from '@dnb/eufemia/components/input/Input' . |
opened | boolean | (optional) If set to true , the Autocomplete will be rendered initially with a visible and accessible data list / options. |
open_on_focus | boolean | (optional) Use true to auto open the list once the user is entering the input field with the keyboard. |
stretch | boolean | (optional) If set to true , then the autocomplete will be 100% in available width . |
skip_portal | string | (optional) Set to true to disable the React Portal behavior. Defaults to false . |
status | string | (optional) Text with a status message. The style defaults to an error message. You can use true to only get the status color, without a message. |
status_state | string | (optional) Defines the state of the status. Currently, there are two statuses [error, info] . Defaults to error . |
status_props | object | (optional) Use an object to define additional FormStatus properties. |
globalStatus | object | (optional) The configuration used for the target GlobalStatus. |
label | React.Node | (optional) Prepends the Form Label component. If no ID is provided, a random ID is created. |
label_direction | React.Node | (optional) Use label_direction="vertical" to change the label layout direction. Defaults to horizontal . |
label_sr_only | boolean | (optional) Use true to make the label only readable by screen readers. |
suffix | React.Node | (optional) Text describing the content of the Autocomplete more than the label. You can also send in a React component, so it gets wrapped inside the Autocomplete component. |
skeleton | boolean | (optional) If set to true , an overlaying skeleton with animation will be shown. |
input_ref | React.Ref | (optional) Use a React.Ref to get access to the input DOM element. |
input_element | string React.Element | (optional) Lets you provide a custom React element as the input HTML element. |
DrawerList | Various | (optional) all DrawerList properties. |
Space | string object | (optional) Spacing properties like top or bottom are supported. |